Training a dog can be a lot of work, requiring consistent effort and patience. When you have multiple dogs in the training equation, the workload and the intensity of that work can multiply. Many owners with several dogs might pursue training, but only for one or maybe two dogs out of large pack. Maybe one dog is more of a “problem child” compared to the others, but even for just that one dog, getting ALL the dogs trained can be beneficial. It keeps the pack in a consistent structure and eliminates the chances of inconsistent cues, boundaries, and signals between pack members.

My Columbus dog training aims to set everyone up for success – not just the dog in training, but their family members as well, be it human or animal. When people first call me for training, they tell me the issues they are experiencing with their dog(s). When I get to meet everyone at the initial in-home consultation, I often find that there are even more issues occurring, and that there are red flag and triggers everywhere being unaddressed. Sometimes those triggers can be other family members, including other dogs in the household. Even if another dog in the home doesn’t have severe issues, they could still be negatively influencing the dog that is in need of behavioral training.

I left the home of a young woman named Lila, who has three dogs — Jax, Clyde, and Missy. When Lila first called, she was calling for Missy, who was fighting with Jax, and also being extremely destructive in the home. Sitting down with Lila and her family, I could see that Missy’s aggression was in response to Jax being a very dominant dog. He would lead Clyde and try with Missy, and if she did not respond, he would bark incessantly. Jax also lacked basic commands, and all three dogs lacked a regular exercise regimen, which caused anxiety and Missy’s destructive habits. 

We discussed it and knew that BOTH Missy and Jax had to be trained. Clyde, while older and not causing many problems, was also enrolled so that all three dogs understood the expectations of the home and from Lila, their leader. We did not want any of the dogs to feel they were in charge of the home, because that role is only Lila’s. Once Jax acclimated to the training, the relationship with him and Missy changed instantly. There was more of an understanding and control between the two. With Clyde, he tagged along and succeeded along with his brother and sister.

Even if there’s one dog that is causing most of the major issues, it is best to keep all your pack members on the same page when it comes to basic obedience and behavioral progress. All dogs, no matter what their differing issues are, can benefit from training and also bond together through the process. It increases the chances of consistency, and that is the key to successful dog training.

If you and your dogs need some behavioral help, call us at 614-347-9127!