Housebreaking Issues? We CAN Fix That!

Housebreaking is an issue most dog owners will have to deal with at some point in their lives. Many people love dogs but also love their neat, clean houses, so they may hesitate to give an unpredictable dog a loving home. If this predicament sounds familiar, hire an...

Why In-Home Training is the Best!

Many of the clients I work with have already worked with a trainer. They’ve spent precious time and money on their pet, and they’re reluctant to do it again. They fear spending more time and money on another program that may not prove effective. However, few of these...

How Anxiety Causes Behavior Problems

Anxiety is the leading cause of behavior problems in the dogs I work with. Anxiety can manifest itself as fear, aggression, hyperactivity, or even housebreaking troubles. Triggers may include other dogs, loud noises, strangers, overstimulation, and separation among...

Columbus Puppy Training – Prevention not Correction!

Dog owners often don’t begin the training process until bad habits have already become ingrained in their dog’s behavior. I, along with most reputable dog trainers, recommend enrolling a dog in a training program as early as possible, whether they’ve begun exhibiting...

Columbus Dog Training Program: Learn About It!

It is just as important for a dog owner to be knowledgable in canine behavior as it is for their dog to be well-trained. Educating yourself as well as your pup gives you the tools to help your dog be successful not just in the moment, but also in the future. Group...

Bentley & Brinkley – Sibling Aggression Case Study

As a Columbus Dog Trainer it’s beyond frustrating when dog family members do not get along. It’s like you just want to keep singing that lyric over and over: “Why can’t we be friends, why can’t we be friends…” With dogs living together in the same home, sometimes the...

Romeo the Great Dane – Bad Manners Case Study

Today, I’d like to focus on big dogs with bad manners. Sometimes, you can have the sweetest, most affectionate pup that loves to bark, play, greet people at the door, and gets really excited about walks! It’s great to have such a happy and energetic member of the...

The Most Common Behavior Problem: Fear Aggression

Although dogs don’t process emotions the same way we do, there are plenty of canine feelings we can empathize with that may eventually lead to behavior problems. These include fear and insecurity. It would be wonderful if telling our canine counterpart, “Don’t worry....

Keegan the Hyperactive Lab

I often tell clients that, in most cases, “good behavior” is relative. If your dog rushes to the door whenever someone knocks and it doesn’t bother you, that’s okay. If your dog has a spot on the couch that he or she is possessive of and you don’t mind, that’s okay....